• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

Ukraine Flood Emergency Appeal

The destruction of the Kakhovka dam is an act of war that has brought still greater suffering to the people of Ukraine. The magnitude of this catastrophe is immense. Many of our friends and partners are directly affected by this Russian atrocity.

Our partners are involved in the rescue efforts. Pastor Aleksei travelled to Kherson immediately to support the first responders; Pastor Vasilii travelled to Dnipro to purchase barrels so he could deliver well water to those who have no access to a safe water supply;  Pastor Valeriy is driving a lorry full of humanitarian supplies from Khurst to Kherson. Other partners are preparing to serve the thousands who have been evacuated from the low-lying areas either side of the river Dnipro.

The photographs here were all sent to us by our partner and friend Aleksei. They show the rescue efforts in Kherson.  Aleksei and his son are serving drinks and food to first responders and handing out supplies. The people congregate in this area because it is the easiest place to launch a boat. The photograph of a plume of spray shows a missed shot by a Russian drone. It corrected course and then came back into the crowd. Over the last few days there have been casualties here.

‘ God protect us’ says Aleksei.

We have already sent funds to all our partners but we need to renew our emergency appeal so that we can continue to send funds. Our partners will be providing humanitarian supplies not just today but over the coming days, weeks and months. Please pray that this terrible war will end. Please donate if you can.

Thank you, as always for your continued support