• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

War in Ukraine: What YOU Can do to Help

War in Ukraine: What YOU Can do to Help

As a registered charity in the UK (number 1177504), DHM is regulated by the Charity Commission of England and Wales. Before the Russian invasion last week, DHM in the UK used to transfer funds to a central account in Ukraine, from which funds could be distributed to support our projects

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Urgent call to pray for Ukraine on this “Day of Infamy”

Urgent call to pray for Ukraine on this “Day of Infamy”

Today is a very dark day in the history not only of Ukraine, but of the world. Today will go down in history as a Day of Infamy. Today, 24th February 2022, the combined forces of the Russian military launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. It’s a day that we’ve

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Ukrainian Teenagers Learn First Aid to Help with War Casualties

Ukrainian Teenagers Learn First Aid to Help with War Casualties

Our ministry partners from Zaporizhe Mennonite Church have led a series of training sessions for their young people to help them learn basic first-aid skills. These skills will be necessary in the event of a major armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, which, sadly, now looks like a very real

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Update on Pastor Alexander in Kyiv

Update on Pastor Alexander in Kyiv

Thanks to everyone who has responded so generously with prayers and financial support for our friend in Kyiv, Pastor Alexander, after his horrific accident last month.
In the past few weeks, he’s undergone 8 separate operations, each lasting between 1 and 4 hours. Since he has a heart condition, he

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DHM Now Registered with Stewardship

DHM Now Registered with Stewardship

We’re pleased to be registered with the Christian charity, Stewardship. Stewardship is a Christian organisation that helps over 40,000 donors to give more than £100 million each year to over 6,000 churches, 2,500 Christian workers and 4,500 charities.
Now that DHM is a registered partner with Stewardship, this means

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DHM Team Visits Care Home for Christmas Celebration

DHM Team Visits Care Home for Christmas Celebration

A DHM team from Vasylkivka Baptist Church visited a care home for elderly and disabled people in the remote village of Lyubomirovka on 8th January.
They brought with them various presents and, most importantly, they spent several hours playing games and having fun with the care home residents.
We produced

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Poltava Baptist Church Leads a Christmas Children’s Camp

Poltava Baptist Church Leads a Christmas Children’s Camp

Ukraine celebrates Christmas not on 25th December, but on 7th January.
Our ministry partner from Poltava Baptist Church, Pastor Serhii Zaharchuk, recently sent us this report of a Christmas camp that he and his team hosted…
“Between 3rd and 6th January we held a children’s camp, which was attended by

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