• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

Can you help us provide humanitarian aid in the current crisis?

As Ukraine faces the prospect of a devastating invasion by the Russian Army, we are praying for a miracle and for peace and reconciliation.

Many of you have asked how we can help the people in Eastern Ukraine as they face the threat of a possible Russian invasion. We want you to know that we are in contact with our trusted partners. We are in regular contact with our partners from the Mennonite churches in Zaporizhe and Molochansk. We are trying to find out how we can best support them.

Jose Arras is a member of our International Advisory Board and is European Co-ordinator of Mennonite Conferences. He recently shared the following from the leader of one of our partner churches in Eastern Ukraine:

We need resources to equip safe places in case of hostilities (most likely these are basements) where we can receive refugees and gather together in case of danger. We have an understanding and a strategy for moving to different cities in case of danger. It is necessary to prepare the place, clean the room, paint, put up the shelves of the bench.

Shipping costs. It is necessary to provide a supply of fuel in case of an urgent departure.

Maintenance and repair of vehicles that will be involved in the evacuation, for each church.

A supply of food and water is needed in each church in the premises (basements) that will be prepared in case of war.

Life support equipment.

Every church needs a generator.

Sleeping bags and mattresses.

Equipment for cooking: boiler, support, disposable tableware.


If you would like to donate to DHM please indicate that you’d like the funds to be used for ‘humanitarian relief’ in case of war.

If, as we hope and pray, there is a de-escalation of the current Ukraine crisis, the funds will be used for to support projects in Eastern Ukraine that help the poorest and most vulnerable communities in Eastern Ukraine.

There are a number of ways to give, including through Stewardship or through a standing order or one-off payment to the DHM account:

Sort Code: 30-90-91 / Account Number: 68149860