• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

DHM continues to provide assistance to the most vulnerable in Ukraine

We are committed to help the most vulnerable in Ukraine and older people and people with disabilities are more vulnerable than most as they depend on others for their care and support. People with disabilities have struggled to get to bomb shelters or other safe areas. In a previous post, we wrote about Pastor Sasha, who, while shells and bombs were falling, chose to stay alongside those who were unable to move to comfort them.

Most of these very vulnerable people are also left without access to essential medicines due to the level of insecurity, unavailability and high costs. Thanks to your support, we can send regular funds to partners such as Pastor Alexander Tsarevskiy (co-worker with Pastor Sasha) who regularly provides food, water, hygiene products and medication to Tsarichanka Care Home. Pastor Alexander’s team are also able to offer communion to those who request it and offer social, emotional and spiritual support.

We have also just sent funds to Pastor Alexander Tsarevskiy so that he can run a summer camp for 70+ children (many internally displaced from the East) to be held from June 1st – June 10th. Please keep these children and their families and all those running the camp in your prayers.