• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

DHM Ukraine Children’s Summer Camp Appeal 2024

Children in Ukraine face unimaginable horrors as shown by today’s terrible atrocity – the rocket attack on Kyiv Children’s Hospital. There are no words…
In Ukraine, no-one knows if they will wake up tomorrow.

Please donate to our children’s Summer Camp Appeal so that our partners can continue to provide an oasis of normality for Ukraine’s children. The camps have already started but all our partners are short of funds and want to do more. We continue to send money to our partners each month but, sadly, have not been able to respond to their requests for additional funds.

Our partners are running camps throughout the summer in Dnipro, Poltava, Vasylkivkva, Vinnytsia, Tsarichanka, Uzhhorod and other locations. In many areas, underground shelters are a safeguarding requirement so children taking part in summer camps have a ‘place of safety’ when there is an aerial bombardment. Ukraine’s children have endured 2 ½ years of war. Summer camps give them a sense of hope and possibilities and build resilience.

Our partner, Aleksei, pictured above, sent us the photos below. He says:

The kids are helping us make this camp a memorable one, even with the horrible conditions in the country. It is so great to bring joy and smiles to children in this very difficult time. Blessings and gratitude to everyone who is helping to make this happen.’

Please donate either through Stewardship or through a standing order or one-off payment to the DHM account:

Sort Code: 30-90-91 / Account Number: 68149860 

Account Name: Dnipro Hope Mission; Bank Name: Lloyds Bank

Written by Melanie Gray, DHM Trustee, July 8th 2024