• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

Thanks to Everyone who has Donated – Here is how your donations are helping people in Ukraine

In the past couple of weeks, DHM has received a record number of donations from individuals and churches. In order to compensate for the loss of our main ministry hub in Eastern Ukraine (due to the need to evacuate everyone to safer locations), the DHM trustees have established direct funding channels between the DHM account in the UK and our various humanitarian projects that are continuing in Ukraine.

With your donations, we have been able to send thousands of pounds in the last few days to the following projects:



Alexander Boiko’s ministry to the elderly and disabled care homes in the Vasylkivka region of Eastern Ukraine continues, despite the threatening sound of Russian planes and missiles over the Vasylkivka region. Pastor Boiko, with a team of volunteers from Vasylkivka Baptist Church, has been able to purchase mass supplies of food and water to regions in Eastern Ukraine that have been cut off. Alexander has also been supplying the Ukrainian defenders with food and drink, as well as prayer and moral support. Alexander send us these pictures…

The DHM minibus has been in constant use since the war began, helping to bring essential supplies to vulnerable people in elderly care homes





Please pray for Pastor Alexander and his team – that no harm would come to them and that the elderly and disabled people in the care homes would be looked after and cared for




































Our ministry partner in Poltava, Pastor Serhii, has been very active in helping his community since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The church members are working around the clock to procure and distribute bags containing essential supplies to vulnerable people in the community. DHM has donated thousands of pounds directly to Serhii’s church to assist this vital ministry. On Sunday, the church gathered together to offer prayers for God’s protection for the people of Ukraine…

For the first time ever, Poltava Baptist Church has been working in partnership with a local Orthodox church to coordinate the distribution of essential supplies


Volunteers from Serhii’s church have used funds sent by DHM to buy supplies from local supermarkets and bring them back to the church for distribution to those in need
Pastor Serhii is leading the humanitarian work of the church



































































We have also been in regular contact with our ministry partner from Zaporizhe and have sent thousands of pounds to support the work of his church. Just a few days ago, the town was threatened with total annihilation after Russian missiles struck a nearby nuclear power plant. Thankfully, the disaster seems to have been averted, but the Russian forces are still launching attacks against the city. Since they are currently on the frontline of the Russian attack, we will not share any photographs, but please remember Roman and his church, and all the residents of Zaporizhe, in your prayers as they face this appalling attack.



Through our local contacts who work as medical staff, DHM has sent £1,500 to Dnipro State Hospital which is treating wounded soldiers, many with severe injuries. Soldiers treated at the hospital include both Russian and Ukrainian injured servicemen. Again, due to the proximity of the hospital to the frontline, we are not publishing any pictures here.

Thank you for showing your solidarity with Ukraine at this immensely dark and sad time.

As Christians, we believe that the light of the gospel triumphs over the wicked plans of evil men. We continue to lift up Ukraine and its people to God and we pray for an immediate end to this terrible war.



If you would like to contribute to the efforts of brave men and women who are working round the clock to support the Ukrainian civil volunteers, army and the relief efforts of local churches, please donate either through our Stewardship Account (CLICK HERE) or through a standing order or one-off payment to the DHM account:

Sort Code: 30-90-91 / Account Number: 68149860 / Account Name: Dnipro Hope Mission / Bank Name: Lloyds Bank

For those outside the UK who wish to donate to DHM, you will need these details:


Account number: 68149860

IBAN: GB91LOYD30909168149860