• 86-90 Paul Street, London, EC2A 4NE

War in Ukraine: What YOU Can do to Help

As a registered charity in the UK (number 1177504), DHM is regulated by the Charity Commission of England and Wales. Before the Russian invasion last week, DHM in the UK used to transfer funds to a central account in Ukraine, from which funds could be distributed to support our projects throughout the country.

Now that our main Administrator in Ukraine has had to flee as a war refugee and our main ministry base, the House of Hope in Vasylkivka, has had to be abandoned because of the war, we (the UK Board) have had to explore new options for ensuring that financial help reaches those in Ukraine who most need it.

To this end, the DHM Board of Trustees has worked these past few days to create direct links between the account in DHM UK and the accounts of churches and individuals with whom we work.

Therefore, DHM is now able to receive funds from donors in the UK and elsewhere and these funds can be sent directly to our partners on the ground in Ukraine who are working tirelessly to support the people in their care. Here are some of the projects we are currently donating to directly:

— Poltava Baptist Church: we recently donated £1,500 to Poltava Baptist Church (PBC) by direct transfer. Pastor Serhii, who leads PBC, has already used the funds to supply front line Ukrainian troops and armed civilian defenders with supplies of food, water, blankets and warm clothes.

Vasylkivka Baptist Church: we have made direct payments to Pastor Alexander Boyko in Dnipro, who continues to buy extra supplies of food and water for residents of care homes around the Vasylkivka Region. He has used the donations to purchase essential medicines for the residents of a disabled home in the town of Tsarichanka and for an elderly care home in Novogrigorivna.

Dnipro State Hospital: We also made a separate donation to Pastor Alexander’s daughter, Dr Daryna Boyko, who is treating injured soldiers and civilians in the Dnipro State Hospital in the eastern city of Dnipro.

— Pastor Alexander in Kyiv: We are also using the funds donated to us to ensure the safety and well-being of Pastor Alexander Demianchenko in Kyiv, who leads our disabled ministry.

Therefore, if you would like to contribute to the efforts of brave men and women who are working round the clock to support the Ukrainian civil volunteers, army and the relief efforts of local churches, please donate either through our Stewardship Account (CLICK HERE) or through a standing order or one-off payment to the DHM account:

Sort Code: 30-90-91 / Account Number: 68149860 / Account Name: Dnipro Hope Mission / Bank Name: Lloyds Bank

For those outside the UK who wish to donate to DHM, you will need these details:


Account number: 68149860

IBAN: GB91LOYD30909168149860

Here are some pictures that Pastor Serhii from Poltava Baptist Church sent us of his church members preparing boxes full of food, clothes, medicines and hygiene products for people on the front line in Ukraine: